Deena messes with Ray’s “after image.” Perhaps not a good idea.
Horse Head 0.22
Horse Head 0.22 is another special jumbo episode of Horse Head. Inside the pocket universe built for the Elf-Imprisoned Horse Head, the simulation of Kid Congo Powers does not take well to finding out he is not “real.”
The episode features a snippet of a longer interview with Punk-Legend Powers. The longer version of the interview will be included in an upcoming special completion and expansion of the episodes featuring Kid.
Thanks to Zach Kahn for playing Ray and Scotty the Elf for playing the Elf-Shaped Cage.
Horse Head 0.23
Horse Head Communicators are just too good.
As always thanks to our great volunteer actors! It was a great pleasure to work with Ashley Byrd and Kristen Brisco!
Horse Head 0.24
Horse Head: 0.24 – “Kid Loses His Mind!” The simulated Kid Congo Arc comes to a lovely (creepy? I can’t tell anymore.) end. Except! Stay tuned for a special extended remix of all the Kid episodes coming in a few weeks (including an extended interview with Kid!)! This episode includes a snippet from the song “Escapetism” from the Kid Congo and The Pink Monkey Birds album La Arana Es la Vida. It’s a great record! Do buy it!
As always, thanks to the wonderful Horse Head players: Ashley Byrd as Deena, Kristen Briscoe K-Star as Dorothy, and Zachary Kahn as Ray (the Antagonist). The episode also features Candy del Rio, Shane Gardner, Ryan Hill, Bradley Chriss, Megan Blafas-Chriss, Lansing O’Leary, Rebecca Rose Vassy, and Victoria Vixen!
Last but not least, this episode also includes music by the majestic Insect Factory from their record called Work! Buy it too!
Horse Head 0.25
This one is a pretty one, if I say so myself. And I got to ride a bike!
Horse Head 0.26
Deena and Horse Head are in love!
As always thanks to Ashley Byrd and Kristen Briscoe for wonderful performances, even under a latex mask!
I AM RAY: Fair Warning Motion Picture #1 (A Horse Head Short Film)
To celebrate the mid-point of our 52-week season, we proudly present a special 24-minute film made from past episodes and previously unseen footage, featuring Special Guest Star/Rock God, KID CONGO POWERS — “a bona fide legend of the L.A. punk scene (nay, rock on the whole)” says a magazine called Vogue.
The film serves as a quick introduction into the world of Horse Head, as well as a relaxing filmic visit with one of the true greats of Punk Rock. The middle portion of the film consists of a chat with Kid about the following topics: his first guitar; his favorite household chores; his creative process; the impact of Glam Rock on him as a young teen; and when he knew he was Gay. So, the film is half Lynchian nightmare and half a sit-down with Ellen Degeneres, if she was trapped in a stuffed Elf.
Horse Head 0.27 – Element of Randomness
SEE the wondrous abode of Brad Chriss and Megan Blafas Chriss – stuffed full of beautiful art and joyous bric-a-brac! Meg and Brad are both amazing artists! Please check out and BUY BUY BUY their art!
FEEL the creepiness of a potentially well-meaning, but privacy-disregarding extra-dimensional super-being named Horse Head — today played by the vivacious, loquacious, and hilarious super-burlesquer Victoria Vixen!
This episode of Horse Head (shot years ago) always had the word VIRUS in it. But now, during our current debacle it takes on an extra bit of dread.
This episode also features my remix of the super unsettling score from the one of the great eerie underground films of all time, Carnival of Souls!
Horse Head 0.28 – Peeping Horse Head
“Horse Head liked to look at people. They could remotely OBSERVE any person, at any time, at any place. But, Horse Head, enjoyed being PHYSICALLY PRESENT, observing SURREPTITIOUSLY, with the possibility of being CAUGHT IN THE ACT. This was ILLEGAL. Some people asked law enforcement to act. No human could arrest Horse Head. Horse Head was above STUPID HUMAN LAW.”
Thanks again to Megan Blafas-Chriss and Bradley Chriss for opening their home to the Horse Head Team! And love to Victoria V Ixen – the creepiest and sexiest Horse Head of all.
Horse Head 0.29 – Modern-Day Luddite
Horse Head 0.29 – Modern-Day Luddite. Take a 1-minute and 15-second trip back to the days when a filmmaker was honored to visit talented young artists in their cool apartment to make episodes of a weird art-film-project. Back when artists had openings showing large and beautiful photographs of raw meat at which other artists performed using a skinned cow head and a wooden mallet that broke and flew through the air. These days will come again, so says Horse Head.